Didactic Material for the Courses
2011 - 2015 - Course
``Teoria dei Sistemi Dinamici''
within the `` Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Fisiche e Astrofisiche'' -- University of Firenze
Lectures in Italian:
Lecture 1
] - [
Lecture 2
] - [
Lecture 3
] - [
Lecture 3 (additional material)
] - [
Lecture 4
] - [
Lecture 5
] - [
Lecture 6
] - [
Lecture 7
] - [
Lecture 8
] - [
Lecture 9
] - [
Lecture 10
] - [
Lecture 11
2020 - Lectures in Neurosciences -
Master M2 Physics and Modelization option Theoretical Physics
-- CY Cergy Paris University
Lectures in English:
The Hodgkin-Huxley Model
] - [
Coherence Resonance
2017-2024 - Lectures on Python Programming -
Master M1 Physics option Theoretical Physics
-- CY Cergy Paris University
Lectures in French:
Lecture 1
] - [
Lecture 2
] - [
Lecture 3
2017-2024 - Lectures on Montecarlo Methods -
Master M1 Physics option Theoretical Physics
-- CY Cergy Paris University
Lectures in English:
Lecture 1
] - [
Lecture 2
] - [
Lecture 3
] - [
Lecture 4
2017-2020 - Modeling of Physical Systems - La modélisation des systèmes physiques - Licence L2 Mathematics - CY Cergy Paris University
Lectures in French:
Lecture 1
] - [
Lecture 2
] - [
Lecture 3
] - [
Lecture 4
] - [
Lecture 5
] - [
Lecture 6
] - [
Lecture 7
] - [
Lecture 8
] - [
Lecture 9
] - [
Lecture 10
] -
2022 - Introduction to Neural Dynamics - PhD Course - CY Cergy Paris University
Lectures in English:
Lecture 1
] - [
Lecture 2
] - [
Lecture 3
] - [
Lecture 4
] - [
Lecture 5
] -
2018-2025 - Introduction to Complex and Chaotic Systems - PhD + M2 Course - CY Cergy Paris University
Lectures in English:
Lecture 1-5
] - [
Lecture 6
] - [
Lecture 7
] - [
Lecture 8
] - [
Lecture 9
] - [
Lecture 10
] - [
Lecture 11
] -
Alessandro Torcini
(Last update: October 02, 2024)