Material for some recent courses

Dynamical Systems (2023-2024):

Useful reference books:

Chaos: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems, James A. Yorke, Kathleen T. Alligood, and Timothy Sauer

Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos, S.H. Strogatz

Mechanics, L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz

Introduction to applied nonlinear dynamical systems & Chaos , S. Wiggins

  • Problem set #1 to #5: [F1] [F2] [F3] [F4] [F5]
  • F1: Fixed points and their stability; F2: Bifurcation of co-dim 1; F3: center manifold reduction, and Hopf bifurcation; F4: Maps; F5: numerical projects

  • Statistical Mechanics (2023-2024):

    Useful reference books:

    Statistical Mechanics, R. K. Pathria

    Fundamental of Statistical and Thermal Physics, F. Reif

    A Modern Course in Statistical Physics, L.E. Reichl

  • Problem set #1 to #5: [F1] [F2] [F3] [F4] [F5]

  • Mecanique 3 -- Analytical Mechanics (2020):

  • Feuilles 1, 2, 3: [F1], [F2], [F3]

  • Outils Numeriques -- Numerical Methods using Python (2020):

  • Feuilles 1, 2: [F1], [F2], [F3], [F4]

  • Dynamical Systems (2019) [L3 level]:

  • Feuilles 1, 2, 3, 4, et 5: [F1], [F2], [F3], [F4], [F5, avec [corrigé])
  • Collection d'examens [pdf]
  • Lecture recommandée:

    Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos, S.H. Strogatz

    Mechanics, L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz

    Introduction to applied nonlinear dynamical systems & Chaos , S. Wiggins

    Irreversible Physics [Master level] (2019):

  • Sheets of exercices: [F1], [F2], [F3], [F4]
  • Lecture recommandée:

    Stochastic processes in Physics and chemistry, N.G. Van Kampen

    The Fokker-Planck equation, H. Risken

    A kinetic view of Statistical Physics, P.L Krapivsky, S. Redner, E. Ben-Naim

    Equilibrium and non-equilibrium Statistical Thermodyanamics, M. Le Bellac, F. Mortessagne, G.G. Batroumi