Fernando Peruani

Curriculum Vitae:

I am a Full Professor at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and Modeling (LPTM) of CY Cergy Paris University (CYU), where I lead a small research group funded by CY Initiative, LabEx MME-DII, Eutopia, and ANR. Before 9/2020 I was a tenured Assoc./Assist. Professor (MdC in the french system) at the Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, where I also led a small research group. Most of our funding came from the ANR project BactPhys and from a collaboration research project with Biocodex, but we also knowledge funding from Campus France, CONACYT (Mexico), CONICET (Argentina), DFG (Germany), and Fed. Doeblin (France).

A detailed CV (updated in 2020) can be found here.