Invited Talks and Seminars
"Metalli alcalini liquidi : una ipotesi di universalita'"
- National C.N.R. Congress on Condensed Matter - GNSM - Fiesole (Italy)
(January 22, 1992)
"Liquid Alkali Metals : Microscopic Dynamics and Transport
Coefficients" - Congress on Liquid Amorphous Metals 8 (LAM8) -
Wien (Austria) (August 31, 1992)
"La dispersione anomala nell'acqua" - National C.N.R.
Congress on Condensed Matter - GNSM - Prato (Italy) (December 16, 1992)
"Lyapunov Exponents in Spatially Extended Systems" -
University of Wuppertal - Wuppertal (Germany)
(December 15, 1994)
"Disturbance Propagation in Coupled Map Lattices"
- XXXI Karpacz Winter School - Karpacz (Poland)
(February 17, 1995)
"From Phase to Amplitude Turbulence"
- University of Wuppertal - Wuppertal (Germany)
(June 26, 1996)
"The Transition from Phase to Amplitude Turbulence"
- ISI - Torino (Italy) (July 07, 1996)
"A new order Parameter for the Transition from Phase
to Amplitude Turbulence" -
163 WE-Heraeus-Seminar - Berlin (Germany) (August 27, 1996)
"Un nuovo parametro d'ordine per la transizione da turbolenza
di fase a turbolenza d'ampiezza" -
Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - Firenze (Italy)
"Error Propagation in Extended Systems"
- Max Planck Institut fuer Physik komplexer Systeme
- Dresden (Germany) (December 6, 1996)
"Algoritmi simplettici: una breve introduzione"
- Dipartimento di Energetica - Universita' di Firenze
- Firenze (Italy) (June 19, 1997)
"Anomalous diffusion in self-gravitating systems"
- Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH-
Juelich (Germany) (August 7, 1997)
"Transition from phase to amplitude turbulence for
the 1-d complex Ginzburg-Landau equation" -
Ecole Normale Superieure - Lyon (France) (September 1, 1997)
"Transition from phase to amplitude turbulence"
- Max Planck Institut fuer Physik komplexer Systeme -
Dresden (Germany) (October 11, 1997)
"KPZ equation and tangent dynamics in extended
chaotic systems"
- Max Planck Institut fuer Physik komplexer Systeme -
Dresden (Germany) (May 18, 1998)
"Fenomeni di trasporto anomalo in sistemi self-gravitanti
con interazioni a lungo raggio"
- III Convegno Nazionale di Fisica Statistica -
Parma (Italy) (June 22, 1998)
"Diffusione anomala in un sistema 2-d autogravitante"
- Dipartimento di Fisica - Universita' di Catania
(Italy) (December 17, 1999)
"Proprieta' dinamiche e di equilibrio di un sistema
2-d autogravitante" - Universita' La Sapienza -
Roma (Italy) (January 29, 1999)
"Equilibrium and dynamical properties
of two dimensional "self-gravitating" systems"
- Erwin Schroedinger Institut - Wien (Austria)
(March 03, 1999)
"Stochastic Synchronization
in Spatially Extended Systems"
- Max Planck Institut fuer Physik komplexer Systeme -
Dresden (Germany) (March 16, 2000)
"A dynamical approach to protein folding"
- ISI Workshop on "Protein Folding:
Simple Models and Experiments" -
Torino (Italy) (April 29, 2000)
"Modulated Amplitude Waves (The transition from phase to defect turbulence)"
- Institut Non Lineaire de Nice-Sophia Antipolis - Nice (France) (June 08, 2000)
"From phase to defect turbulence in the 1d complex Ginzburg-Landau equation"
- INFMeeting 2000 - Genova (Italy) (June 12, 2000)
"Mechanism for the emergence of defect turbulence"
- 20th European Dynamics Days - Guilford (UK) (June 29, 2000)
``Two-dimensional Mean-Field model:
could thermodynamics and dynamics be related?''
- HMF Meeting - Catania (Italy) (September 07, 2000)
"Error Propagation in Extended Chaotic Systems"
- Applied Mathematics Department - UMIST -
- Manchester (U.K.) (November 21, 2000)
"Linear and nonlinear information flow in spatially extended systems"
- 21th European Dynamics Days - Dresden (Germany) (June 08, 2001)
"Modulated Amplitude Waves: a new family of coherent structures of the
complex Ginzburg-Landau equation"
- Waves and Wave Turbulence - Nyborg (Denmark) (August 13, 2001)
"Il ripiegamento di proteine quale processo attivato termicamente ''
Domus Galileana - Pisa (Italy) (January 25 , 2002)
"Protein Folding : a Thermally Activated Jumping Process ?" -
University of Aix-Marseille III - St. Jerome, Marseille (France) (April 22, 2002)
"Protein Folding : a Thermally Activated Jumping Process ?" -
Journees de Dynamique Non Lineaire -
CPT - Luminy, Marseille (France) (June 18, 2002)
"Front Propagation in Chaotic and Noisy Systems" -
International Workshopn on
Chaotic Transport and Complexity in Classical
and Quantum Dynamics - Carry le Rouet (France)
(June 24, 2002)
"Protein Folding : a Thermally Activated Jumping Process ?" -
22th European Dynamics Days - Heidelberg (Germany) (July 18, 2002)
"Formation and instability of superspirals" -
"Nonlinear Dynamics in Classical and Quantum Mechanics" -
Sammome' (Italy) (October 11, 2002)
"The synchronization transition in spatially extended systems" -
"Trends in Pattern Formation:
From Amplitude Equations to Applications" -
Dresden (Germany) (September 10, 2003)
"The synchronization transition in spatially extended systems" -
"Complex Nonlinear Processes" -
Berlin (Germany) (September 11, 2003)
"Intervento su blocco delle assunzioni dei ricercatori per il 2004" -
Trasmissione << In Famiglia>> RAI 2
- Rome (Italy) (November 01, 2003)
"Risposta di modelli di singolo neurone ad input ad alta frequenza"
CSDC - Florence University - Firenze (Italy) (March 31, 2005)
"Cosa possiamo imparare da modelli semplici sul ripiegamento delle proteine ?" -
Istituto di Biofisica del CNR
- Pisa (Italy) (April 11, 2005)
"LFFs in Vertical Cavity Lasers"
Technischen Universitaet Berlin -
Berlin (Germany) (May 26, 2005)
"Low frequency fluctuations in vertical cavity lasers: experiments versus simulations" -
Fluctuations and Noise in Out of Equilibrium Systems
- Beaulieu sur Mer (France) (Sept. 14, 2005)
"Response of the Hodgkin-Huxley model in the high-input regime" -
Institute for Nonlinear Science
UCSD - La Jolla (USA) (March. 29, 2006)
"Response of single neuronal models to uncorrelated
and correlated stochastic inputs"
6th Crimean School and Workshops -- Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Applications
Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine (May 15-26, 2006)
"Risposta di neuroni singoli sottoposti a stimoli stocastici decorrelati e correlati"
Seminari dello ISC Firenze (May 30, 2006)
"Analisi della risposta di semplici modelli di neuroni soggetti a stimoli stocastici"
CdS - INFN Firenze (June 05, 2006)
''Effetti di coerenza nella risposta di modelli di neurone''
Biophys06 : Back to the Nature
Arcidosso (Gr) (September 07, 2006)
"Synchronization of extended chaotic systems'',
Journees de Dynamique Non Lineaire -
CPT - Luminy, Marseille (France) (November 28, 2006)
"Synchronization of extended chaotic systems'',
IMEDEA , Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain) (December 21, 2006)
''Double coherence resonance in single-neuron models'',
Brain functions: from basic research to clinical application -
Weizmann Institute, Rehovot (Israel) (March 13, 2007)
''Coherence effects in the response of neuronal models
induced by correlations''
SPIE - Fluctuantion and Noise - La Pietra Coference Centre, florence
(Italy) (May 23, 2007)
"Synchronization in spatially extended systems'',
"Chaos, Complexity and Transport: Theory and Applications"
Le Pharo - Marseille (France) (June 05, 2007)
"Reconstructing the free energy landscape of a mechanically unfolded model protein",
Centre de Physique Theorique, Luminy - Marseille (France) (Sept. 19, 2007)
``Double coherence resonance in neuronal models driven by correlated noise'',
Noise in Life 2007: Stochastic Dynamics in the Neurosciences
-- Max Planck Institut fuer Physik komplexer Systeme - Dresden (Germany) (Nov. 07, 2007)
"Reconstructing the free energy landscape of a mechanically unfolded model protein",
Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' ``Federico II'', Napoli (December 13, 2007)
"Stability of the splay state in pulse-coupled networks"
Seminar SFB555: Complex Nonlinear Processes in Chemistry and Biology
Fritz-Haber Institut - Berlin (Germany) (April 18, 2008)
"Chaotic synchronization in spatially extended systems "
Oberseminar Nonlinear Dynamics - Freie Universitaet - Berlin (Germany) (April 22, 2008)
"Free energy landscape reconstruction of a pulled protein:
Jarzinsky equality versus inherent structures' formalism",
BioINF 2008, Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata, Pisa (June 16, 2008)
'' Reconstructing the free energy landscape of a mechanically
unfolded model protein",
Biophys08 : Biology and beyond
Arcidosso (Gr) (September 11, 2008)
``Stability criteria for splay states in a network of globally coupled
generalized neurons'',
WIAS, Berlin (Germany) (November 10, 2008)
``Emergence of collective behaviours in neuronal networks'',
Luminy, Marseille (France) (March 30, 2009)
"Chaotic synchronization of spatially extended systems
wuth power-law interactions: an analogy to Levy flight
spreading of epidemics",
SIAM conference on applications of Dynamical Systems
Snowbird, Utah (USA) (May 17, 2009)
"Unfolding times for proteins in a force clamp",
Astronomy and Physics Dept, Aarhus University (Denmark) (April, 21, 2010)
"Emergence of collective behaviours in neuronal networks",
Astronomy and Physics Dept, Aarhus University (Denmark) (May, 11, 2010)
"Nascita di soluzioni collettive in reti neurali",
"Collective oscillations in disordered neural networks",
International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics on Networks , Kiev (Ukraine) (July, 08, 2010)
"Collective oscillations in disordered neural networks",
Challenges in Network Dynamics, Sestri Levante (Italy) (September, 16, 2010)
"Unfolding times for proteins in a force clamp",
Noise in Life 2010, Benasque (Spain) (October, 26 2010)
"Chimera states and collective chaos in neural networks",
WIAS, Berlin (Germany) (February, 17, 2011)
"Collective chaos in pulse coupled oscillators",
XXXI Dynamics Days Europe
, Oldenburg (Germany) (September, 12, 2011)
"Stability of the splay state in networks of pulse-coupled neurons"
Neurodynamics: a workshop on heterogeneity, noise, delays, and plasticity in neural systems
, Edinburgh (UK) (March, 06, 2012)
"Coherent Response of the Hodgkin-Huxley model in the high-input regime",
60 Years of the Hodgkin-Huxley Model , Trinity College, Cambridge, UK
(July, 13, 2012)
"Extensive chaos and collective motion in complex (neural) networks:
when topology matters",
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Institut , Berlin, Germany
(September, 05, 2012)
"Extensive chaos and collective motion in complex (neural) networks:
when topology matters",
Nottingham University , Nottingham, UK
(October, 16, 2012)
"Extensive chaos and collective dynamics in sparse networks",
Center for Biomedical Technology, Madrid (Spain) (February, 26, 2013)
"The Sisyphus Effect in neural networks with spike timing dependent plasticity"
XXXIII Dynamics Days Europe, Center for Biomedical Technology, Madrid, Spain (June, 6th, 2013)
"The Sisyphus Effect in neural networks with spike timing dependent plasticity",
NETT Summer School, Nottingham (UK) (July, 3rd, 2013)
"The Sisyphus Effect in neural networks with plasticity",
CNS 2013, Workshop on Relevance of Synaptic Plasticity for Multistable Behaviour in Neural Systems Paris (France) (July, 18th, 2013)
"The Sisyphus Effect in neural networks with spike timing dependent plasticity",
26th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics "Complexity of Brain - Critical Behavior" ,
Krakow (Poland) (August, 28th, 2013)
"The Sisyphus Effect in neural networks with spike timing dependent plasticity",
"From Dynamics to Statistical Physics and Back"
MIPKS, Dresden (Germany) (October, 22nd, 2013)
"Sisyphus Effect in Plastic Neural Networks" ,
Berlin Center for Studies of Complex chemical Systems,
Seminar in Complex Nonlinear Processes in Chemistry and Biology,
Berlin (Germany) (October, 25th, 2013)
"Sisyphus Effect in Plastic Neural Networks",
Von Humboldt Universität, Physics Department,
Berlin (Germany) (October, 31st, 2013)
"The Sisyphus Effect in neural networks with spike timing dependent plasticity",
Dynamics of Neural Circuits, NETT Workshop 2014 ,
Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, Sesto Fiorentino (Italy) (March, 17th, 2014)
"Linear stability in networks of pulse-coupled neurons",
10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications , Madrid (Spain) (July, 8th, 2014)
"Hysteretic transitions in the Kuramoto model with inertia",
International Conference on Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems, Warnemuende-Rostock (Germany) (August, 28th, 2014)
"Clique of functional hubs orchestrates population bursts in developmentally regulated neural networks",
, INMED, Marseille (France) (September, 01st, 2014)
"Clique of functional hubs orchestrates population bursts in developmentally regulated neural networks",
Italy-Israeli meeting "Let the complex be simple" ,
Tel Aviv University, (December, 02nd, 2014)
"Clique of functional hubs orchestrates population bursts in developmentally regulated neural networks",
Reading Group Seminars:Computational & Theoretical Neurosciencei, Department of Mathematics,
University of Milan, Milan, Italy (February, 16, 2015)
"Clique of functional hubs orchestrates population bursts in developmentally regulated neural networks",
APS March meeting 2015, San Antonio, Texas, USA (March, 03, 2015)
``Intermittent chaotic chimeras",
Statistical mechanics of Non-Hamiltonian Systems,
Department of Physics, University "La Sapienza" - Rome (Italy) (May 12, 2015)
``Intermittent chaotic chimeras for coupled rotators"
Dynamics of Coupled Oscillators: 40 years of the Kuramoto Model
-- Max Planck Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme - Dresden (Germany) (July 31, 2015)
"Cell assembly Dynamics of sparsely connected inhibitory networks",
Nonlinear Dynamics in Computational Neuroscience: from Physics and Biology to ICT
, Castello del Valentino - Torino (Italy) (September 08, 2015)
"Cell assembly Dynamics of sparsely connected inhibitory networks",
Journèes Inmed 2015, INMED - Marseille (France) (September 18, 2015)
"Cell assembly Dynamics of sparsely connected inhibitory networks",
Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes - Marseille (France) (October 29, 2015)
"Clique of functional hubs orchestrates population burstdevelopmentally regulated neural networks",
First COSMOS school and workshop , Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence (Italy) (November, 19, 2015)
"Cell Assembly Dynamics of Sparsely-connected Inhibitory Networks",
Bernstein Seminar , Bernstein Center Freiburg (Germany) (February, 2, 2016)
"From Microscopic to Collective Dynamics in Neural Circuits",
Institut Non Linèaire de Nice, Nice (France) (February, 26, 2016)
``Intermittent chaotic chimeras for coupled rotators"
within "Statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics" seminars,
Institut fuer Physik
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin (Germany) (March, 3rd, 2016)
"From Microscopic to Collective Dynamics in Neural Circuits",
LPTM, Université de Cergy-Pontose, Cergy-Pontoise (France) April, 18,216)
"From Microscopic to Collective Dynamics in Neural Circuits",
9th Bernstein Sparks Workshop: Recent advances in recurrent network theory: fluctuating correlated dynamics across scales
, Goettingen (Germany) (May, 26, 2016)
"From Microscopic to Collective Dynamics in Neural Circuits",
Max Planck Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme - Dresden (Germany) (September, 12, 2016)
"Death and rebirth of neural activity in sparse inhibitory networks",
Oberseminar in Nonlinear Dynamics,
WIAS, Berlin (Germany) (February, 14, 2017)
"Synchronization a general phenomenon in complex systems",
Guest Lecture at Institute for Advanced Studies, University
of Cergy-Pontoise (France) (March, 23, 2017)
"Death and rebirth of neural activity in sparse inhibitory networks",
Group for Neural Theory, Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives,
Ecole normale Superieure, Paris (France) (April, 20, 2017)
"Death and rebirth of neural activity in sparse inhibitory networks",
Center for Brain and Cognition, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona (Spain) (May, 16, 2017)
"Death and rebirth of neural activity in sparse inhibitory networks",
LPTM, Université de Cergy-Pontoies, Cergy-Pontoise (France) (June, 8,2017)
"Neural deactivation and reactivation in sparse heterogeneous networks",
at the Symposium on "Synchronization patterns in networks of nonlinear oscillators"
Berlin Center for Studies on Complex Systems, Berlin (Germany) (December, 01, 2017)
"Modeling driver cells in developing neuronal networks",
at the European Laboratory for NonLinear Spectroscopy ,
Florence (Italy) (December, 21, 2017)
"Ubiquity of collective irregular dynamics in balanced neural networks",
DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section , Berlin (March, 12th 2018)
"Ubiquity of collective irregular dynamics in balanced neural networks"
at the Workshop Synchronizaton and Transport in Complex Systems,
Institut d'Etudes Avancées-- Maison Internationale de la Recherche
Neuville-sur-Oise (Ile de France) (March 26th, 2018)
"Ubiquity of collective irregular dynamics in balanced neural networks"
at the Workshop Transversal problems in complexity
Institut d'Etudes Avancées-- Maison Internationale de la Recherche
Neuville-sur-Oise (Ile de France) (May 24th, 2018)
"Ubiquity of collective irregular dynamics in balanced neural networks"
at the
4th International Conference on Mathematical NeuroScience (ICMNS2018),
Antibes, Juan les Pins (France) (June, 12th, 2018)
"Ubiquity of collective irregular dynamics in balanced neural networks"
at the
IEEE Workshop on Complexity in Engineering
Firenze, (Italy) (October, 11th, 2018)
"Transition from Asynchronous to Oscillatory Dynamics in Balanced Spiking Networks",
at the
School and Workshop on Patterns of Synchrony:Chimera States and Beyond
, ICTP, Trieste (May, 17th, 2019)
"Transition from Asynchronous to Oscillatory Dynamics in Balanced Spiking Networks",,
at the Workshop DCP'19 - Dynamics and Complexity , IBF, Pisa (July, 2nd, 2019)
"Transition from Asynchronous to Oscillatory Dynamics in Balanced Spiking Networks",,
at the
French-German WE-Heraeus-Seminar "Novel Physics in Living Systems?" , CNRS-Station Biologique de Roscoff, Roscoff, Britanny (September, 3rd, 2019)
"Emergent excitability in populations of non-excitable units",
Eugene Wigner Colloquium - SFB910 , Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany (November, 26th, 2020)
"Next Generation Neural Mass Models",
Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes - Marseille (France) (April 01, 2021)
"Internal representation of hippocampal neuronal population span a time-distance continuum",
NeuroFrance 2021 (International Virtual Meeting)
(May 19, 2021)
"Next generation neural mass models for synaptic-based working memory",
Math Neuro Seminar - Nottingham (UK) (June 2nd, 2021)
"Next generation neural mass models",
Séminaire IA ETIS "Dynamics of neural networks" -
Cergy-Pontoise (France) (June 17th, 2021)
"Exact neural mass model for synaptic-based working memory",
Topical problems of nonlinear wave physics (NWP-2021)
- Nizhny Novgorod, Russia (September, 20, 2021)
"A physicist lost in the wonderland of complex systems",
Seminario en Nuevas Perspectivas en Complejidad y Redes Complejas
Cartagena, Colombia (November, 25, 2021)
"A Reduction Methodology for Fluctuation Driven Population Dynamics",
French-German WE-Heraeus-Seminar on "Outstanding Challenges in Nonlinear Dynamics" Les Houches, France (March 24,2022)
"A Reduction Methodology for Fluctuation Driven Population Dynamics",
"DCP22:Dynamics & Complexity Pisa 2022 Pisa, Italy (May 25,2022)
"Next generation neural mass models", Computational Neuroscience Virtual Seminars,
Juelich (Germany) (July, 6th, 2022)
"Next Generation Neural Mass Models",
Sixth IEEE Workshop on Complexity in
Engineering (COMPENG 2022), Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence, Italy (18/7/2022)
"Next Generation Neural Mass Models", Dynamics Days Europe 2022, University of
Aberdeen, UK (26/8/2022)
"Coherent oscillations in balanced neural networks driven by endogenous fluctuations",
Seminar of SFB910, Technische Universitatet Berlin, Germany (31/10/22)
"Next Generation Neural Mass Models", SEM-LPTMC
(Séminaire du Laboratoire de Physique Théorique
de la Matière Condensée), Paris (15/02/23)
"Next Generation Neural Mass Models",
Solstice 2023 , Florence, Italy (13/4/23)
"A robust balancing mechanism for spiking neural networks",
Dynamics Days Europe 2023, University of Naples, Italy (06/09/2023)
"A robust balancing mechanism for spiking neural networks",
CNS Virtual Seminar, Juelich, Germany (08/05/2024)
Talk on VIMEO Channel
"A robust balancing mechanism for spiking neural networks",
Physics Department, Florence University, Italy (23/05/2024)
"A robust balancing mechanism for spiking neural networks",
"DCP24:Dynamics & Complexity Pisa 2024 Pisa, Italy (06/06/2024)
"Discrete synaptic events induce global oscillations in
balanced neural networks",
Seventh IEEE Workshop on Complexity in
Engineering (COMPENG 2024) , Galileo Galilei Institute, Arcetri Hill,
Florence, Italy (22/7/2024)
"Discrete synaptic events induce global oscillations in
balanced neural networks",
XLIV Dynamics Days Europe 2024 ,
Constructor University, Bremen, Germany (01/8/2024)
"The fast sound puzzle in liquid water" -
N.A.T.O. School - Alghero (September, 1992)
"Liquid Alkali Metals: Towards a Corresponding State Law"
- N.A.T.O. School - Alghero (September, 1992)
"Caos Spazio-temporale: Analisi Multifrattale di Sistemi
Spazialmente Estesi" - 12-th National C.N.R. Meeting on
Theoretical Physics - GNSM - Trento (April, 1993)
"MD Simulations of Stretched TIP4P-Water in the Supercooled Regime"
- N.A.T.O. ASI Workshop - Cargese (France) (August, 1993)
"Analysis of Stretched and Supercooled Water by Computer Simulations"
- conference EPS 9 - Firenze (Italy) (September, 1993)
"Mycroscopic Dynamics in Liquid Lithium", Second Liquid Matter
Conference - Firenze (Italy) (September, 1993)
"Longitudinal Collective Modes in Liquid Water",
conference Scaling Concepts and Complex Fluids - Copanello (Italy) (July, 1994)
``Linear and nonlinear mechanism of front propagation into
chaotic states'', International Workshop on lattice
dynamics, Paris (June 22 1995).
"An order Parameter for the Transition from Phase
to Amplitude Turbulence", conference 17-th Dynamics Days -
Lyon (France) (July 10-13, 1996)
"Diffusione anomala e transizione di clustering e
declustering", 16-th National C.N.R. Meeting on
Theoretical Physics - GNSM - Trento (March, 1997)
``Node-counting and Lyapunov spectra'', conference
``Order and Chaos'', University of Rome ``La Sapienza'' (September 23 1997)
"Anomalous Diffusion and Clustering Transition
in a N-body system with long-range attractive interactions",
XI Max Born Symposium - Ladek Zdroj (Poland)
(May, 1998)
"Dynamical approach to protein folding",
INFM-Meeting 1999 - Catania (Italy) (June, 1999)
"Dynamical approach to protein folding",
The Fourth Claude Itzykson Meeting:
Theoretical Approaches to Biological and
Soft Systems - Paris (France) (June, 1999)
"A dynamical study of a toy model for protein folding",
INFM-Meeting 2001 - Roma (Italy) (June, 2001)
"Front Propagation in Chaotic and Noisy
Reaction-Diffusion Systems: a Discrete-Time Map Approach",
III Paladin Memorial - Roma (Italy) (September, 2001)
"Emergence of Superspirals",
Oscillations and waves in cells and cell networks
- Cargese (France) (may, 2004)
``Stability of splay states for pulse-coupled neuronal networks:
finite size versus finite pulse-width effects''
CNS*2007 - Toronto (Canada) (July, 2007)
"Coherent periodic activity in excitatory neural networks:
The role of network connectivity",
, Stockholm (Sweden) (July, 21-28, 2011)
"Hysteretic transitions in the Kuramoto model with inertia",
APS March meeting 2015, San Antonio, Texas, USA (March, 04, 2015)
"Transition from Asynchronous to Oscillatory Dynamics in Balanced Spiking Networks",
at the
Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics A conference in honor of François Dunlop
, Villa Finaly, Firenze (April, 8th-10th, 2019)