Master in Theoretical Physics and Applications

This is a legacy web page based on a copy made in December 2020 of an old web site. Contact information has been updated until January 2024. For more recent information, you may wish to sonsult the new bilingual web page for the Master of Physics.

Admission procedure for M1 and M2

Students interested in this program should first send  to the Secretary
 an email with the subject: "Application for Theoretical Physics and Applications Master Programme of NAME OF THE APPLICANT", containing  the following pdf documents:

  • The application form filled, signed and scanned
  • CV
  • syllabuses  of the relevant courses studied (with references to some  books)
  • academic transcripts
  • a letter of motivation (including a short explanation of studies history and project)
  • the name and email address of two academic referees

The Master Pedagogical Committee will analyse the application and in case of acceptance, students should then complete the application procedure.

One can apply until the first week of July. However, especially if you need a visa, we strongly recommend that you complete your application as early as possible. The sooner your application is complete, the sooner you will receive an official  decision on your admission.

The first admission meeting of the Master Pedagogical Committee will consider applications received until the end of February and give an answer in March.

The Master Pedagogical Committee will then have regular meeting until the first week of July. If some places are still available a last admission meeting may be scheduled at the beginning of September.

Students not familiar with the organisation of studies in France are encouraged to contact the local office of Campus France in their home country. This agency will accompany them along the administrative steps of the inscription to a French University, and  help them to obtain the student visa if required.

Campus France is not present in all countries, should this be your case, contact the local French Embassy.

Note that the application to the TPA Master program does not require to take any French Language test, instead, Campus France agency may ask the applicants a document establishing their level of English Language.




Mme Lysiane Vasseur
Cergy Paris Université
Bât. Saint Martin II, bureau E3.02
2, avenue Adolphe Chauvin, BP 222
F-95302 Cergy Pontoise, cedex
lysiane.vasseur @

Tel : (+33/0).

International Relationship Service
Cergy Paris Université
Tour des Chênes, bureau 313
33 bd du Port
95011 Cergy-Pontoise cedex
relations.internationales @
Tél 33 1 34 25 60 96 /62 45 /67 21
Fax 33 1 34 25 62 93

Academic (e-mail (master.phy @ 

Pr. Andreas Honecker
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM)
bureau E4.07
Tel :

Dr. Geneviève Rollet
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM)
bureau E4.15
Tel :

Dr. Guy Trambly
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM)
bureau E4.21
Tel :

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