Master in Theoretical Physics and Applications

Program of the Master "Fisica y Tecnologias Fisicas" of Zaragoza University

One year program (M2 level)

First Semester S3 : September 21- January 19

60100 Physics of Complex Systems 6 ECTS

60107 Advanced Quantum Field Theory 8 ECTS

60118 Quantum Theory of Matter 6 ECTS

60104 Physics of Low Temperatures 6 ECTS

Spanish for foreigners 4 ECTS

Exams : January 21-February 9

Second Semester (S4) :

60129 Master Thesis 20 ECTS

and two choices among the following options (10ECTS)

60108 Cosmology

60105 Phylosophical aspect of Physics

60106 Elements of Biological Physics

60109 Particle Physics

Exams : June 9-July 10


Warning: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, offices are closed.


We remain reachable but we can't answer the phone nor receive the surface mail.
Sorry for the inconvenience.



Mme Priscilla Marques
Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Bât. Saint Martin II, bureau E3.02
2, avenue Adolphe Chauvin, BP 222
F-95302 Cergy Pontoise, cedex
priscilla.marques @

Tel : (+33/0).

International Relationship Service
Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Tour des Chênes, bureau 313
33 bd du Port
95011 Cergy-Pontoise cedex
relations.internationales @
Tél 33 1 34 25 60 96 /62 45 /67 21
Fax 33 1 34 25 62 93

Academic (e-mail (master.phy @ 

Pr. Andreas Honecker
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM)
bureau E4.07
Tel :

Dr. Geneviève Rollet
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM)
bureau E4.15
Tel :

Dr. Guy Trambly
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM)
bureau E4.21
Tel :

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