Form-factor bootstrap and the random-bond Ising model

Form-factor bootstrap and the random-bond Ising model

Two-point function of the energy operator

Disordered systems arise in generic situations where physical systems are realized in nature. However, from a theoretical point of view they represent a diffcult challenge. They can exhibit complicated phenomena such as glassy behavior and logarithmic corrections are abundant. Even numerical approaches are plagued with the associated slow relaxation times or the necessity of dealing with large system sizes.

In this context, the model we have concentrated on is the two-dimensional Ising model with quenched random bonds. One instance of this model with two values of the coupling constant is illustrated by this figure. In the scaling region of this lattice model one can take the continuum limit and obtains Majorana fermions with a random position-dependent mass term.

One is usually interested in quantities averaged over all possible realizations of the randomness. A standard method to compute this average e.g. of the free energy is the replica trick. If this is applied to the aforementioned Majorana fermions with a random Gaussian distributed mass term, the randomness can be integrated out. This step leads to the O(N)-Gross-Neveu model which has been already extensively studied within perturbative renormalization-group approaches. However, this model happens to be integrabel and one can obtain its exact S-matrix. Then one is in a position to apply the form-factor approach to the computation of correlation functions. Our main contribution has been to show that this actually works and enables one to obtain valuable non-perturbative information. The above figure compares our result for the two-point function of the energy operator with the one obtained in the perturbative framework.

If you would like to know more (details), you are invited to take a look at this paper.

May, 23th, 1997,